Marvelous Me!

Marvelous Me!


To help all of us get to know each other better I have created the weekly event called Marvelous Me!  Each week I will draw a name out of my jar.  Whosever name is drawn will be the student of the week.  That student will get to be line leader for the week as well as my special helper for the week.  Along with this it is the job of this student to bring in one item (Monday - Thursday) that represents them or something that is important to them that they want to share to the class.  They will also create a poster filled with pictures or drawings that represent themselves'.  On Friday the student of the week will be given a few minutes during the morning routine to share their special item and their Marvelous Me! poster with the rest of the class.   Students can have a picture of their family, draw a picture of a boom box because they like dancing, and include a drawing or photo of their favorite food.  Parents will be given advance notice of when it is their child’s turn to be the Marvelous Me as a note will be sent home that includes all details they will need to know.  If you have any question please don’t hesitate to contact me.