Administrative Support


Administrative Support

Dear Principal Peterson,

   I want to share with you my in class behavioral plans for the upcoming school year.  I am using a two phased approach; first of which is a daily system with the students called Stay In The Green and secondly an assessment program for when I see repeated behavioral problems.  I will now explain both phases.

   The Stay In The Green program is based on having a yardstick in the front of the classroom that is separated into four, nine-inch, color-coded sections.  The colors are arranged so that green is the top color, followed by yellow, then orange, then red.  Each student in the class has their name written on a clothespin that goes along with the yardstick.  Each day starts with all clothespins in the green area.  The goal each day is to keep the students clothespin in the green by behaving admirably.  The students will be asked to move their clothespin down the yardstick from green to another color if they misbehave.  At the end of the day if your clothespin has stayed in the green you will receive a ticket that can be turned in at the end of the week for a prize.  Students who end the day in yellow, orange, or red will not receive a ticket for that day.  Yellow is considered a verbal warning and no further disciplinary action is to be taken.  Having a clothespin in the orange indicates that the student will miss five minutes or recess or free time.  Going into the red means the student will have to call home and tell their parents that they have been misbehaving.  If student continue acting out the students conduct a behavior plan with me based on their behavior.  Every day is a new day and behavior from the day before is reset so that everyone starts in the green again. 

   I also plan on using the Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) for instances of repeated behavioral problems.  As you are aware, FBA's allow us, as educators, to observe and record data on students as they are misbehaving.  I have explained this to the parents of the students on my website and will contact them before starting this process.

   I appreciate your time and look forward to hearing back from you with approval to implement these plans.  Please let me know if you require any additional information.


Brittany Peluso